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Game Engine - Intro
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3D Model Rendering with PCSS enabled
Hello, this is my first blog about my game engine - Merak. I built its basic structure during taking the course EECS 498: Game Engine Arch at University of Michigan, and later added more features to it (most focused on 3D rendering). The engine is currently in development.
Here are some interesting features that I have already implemented:
- Lua scripting: Game developers can make games by writing lua scripts
- 3D rendering: The engine uses Vulkan as rendering backend, supporting texture mapping, soft shadows, etc.
Here is a brief list of some technologies that I used when developing Merak:
- C++20
- Lua and Luabridge
- Vulkan
- glfw and glm
- Box2D (no longer used in the 3D world)
- 3D Graphics and Real-time Rendering Algorithms
Short Video Demonstration for the engine:
Github Repo
Link to the Github Repo: Github - Merak Engine